Sunday, May 23, 2010


slow day, long weekend

Party on Friday night = craziness. Dear lord. Not a nice headache the next day.
The next day, grilling in Stadt park with good friends! I don't know if it is just a European thing, or people in the Okanagan are just paranoid about any sort of burning in a park, but grilling is a really popular thing to do in the parks here in Hamburg! Everyone simply brings a portable grill that stands above the ground, you can also buy disposable grills (what! I know right?), only these grills have to be on another surface as to not burn the grass. Anyhow, get a group, some meat, veggies, chips, wine, beer, fun, songs, jokes, and you've got yourself an awesome day outside at the park! Only downer was the wind, but otherwise a bright, sunny day! I also happened to learn a Danish drinking song thanks to Nina!
In Danish:

Vi skåler med vore venner
og dem som vi kender
og dem som vi ikke kender
dem skåler vi med


which translates to:

We toast to our friends
Those who we know and
Those we do not know
Them we toast with

Today I basically relaxed, made some food and worked on some paintings. Tomorrow is a holiday in Germany, so no school, no groceries, no anything really. BUT, I will attempt to make pierogi ruskie from scratch! (Maybe I am being a little too ambitious with this cooking thing?) I figure if I can't make anything 'Canadian' that is interesting I will just dig to my roots and make some Polish food that I used to make with my granny! This evening I prepared the filling so I'm not stressed out while making the dough and the potato filling at the same time. Wish me luck!

Currently: trying to couchsurf for Edinburgh and Stockholm, jamming to JayZ (reminisce), as well as some Band of Horses ( ,check Evening Kitchen.


simple, but delicious little sunday brunch: scrambled eggs with left over meat from saturday grilling, yellow pepper, onion, spices + zwei sliceoftoast + coffee!!

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