Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I'm soooo happy because this past weekend I got to see Karin for the first time in about 4 months! The only person other than my mother to see me off at the airport before leaving Canada :) She even brought me back a little present that I SUPER appreciated because it is only Canadian. Classic that is...wink* It is so nice to see a (more than) familiar face in such an unfamiliar place. On Thursday we will make our way to FUSION festival!! (http://www.fusion-festival.de/ if you want to know more) So excited! I had no idea about this festival until Karin offered me an extra ticket she had bought while we were in Canada, and I thought why not?! Turns out it sounds even more awesome the more people I talk to about it. The tickets even sold out in a VERY short period of time! So I will be gone from Thursday until Sunday.

I'm not exactly sure what will happen after that but I may go to Berlin after Canada Day to see Sophia who is doing her internship there. I'm hoping to get a better impression of Berlin than I did the first time I went in early March: cold, bitter, miserable ice-land of loneliness and frozen hands. HA! Anyhow, we will see because I am still waiting on a money loan/transfer from the parents...please oh please come soon! I did manage however to book a cheap flight through ryanair to Stockholm yesterday (14 euro), now I just need to find a place to stay. Hopefully couchsurfing can help me out. Crossing my fingers.

After waiting an absurd 7 days for my film to be developed, it finally came back to the Budni (the drugstore I usually get my film developed at for around 5 euro). And to my frusterated surprise I found that each of the three films I dropped off were priced at 18 euro each! EACH! That is about 60 euro for THREE rolls of film! I was convinced that there had to have been some kind of mistake. The envelope felt a little heavier than it normally does so I looked inside to find that there was a large bundle of plastic slide carriers...I found a sales associate and asked them why it was priced so high and why my negatives were in slide carriers. You probably figured it out by now, but it turns out I was using SLIDE FILM. My god, am I dumb. I should note that I bought about 9 of these rolls because they were priced at 50cents each, for the 'expiry' date was in May. I guess I just didn't read the label close enough. I am NEVER, EVER, developing any more slide film at the Budni. I would rather wait until I get home. That is just way too expensive. The plus side of this fiasco? SLIDE FILM IS AMAAAAZZZING! I pretty much love most of the results I got and I will be scanning them soon so I can put some up for you to see :)

I spent today sleeping past my alarm (deciding not to go to class anyhow because the prof is a dink and won't let me show anything if I'm late anyway. Fuck it), waking up to coffee and words of philosophy with Rubén, going to Karin's to see her place during the daylight and taking her back to my part of town to show her my place! We also had a yummy Chinese food dinner! Oh, what a good day!

So that is just a little update! Tomorrow I will pack, paint, and pen(?) / try to be as productive as possible before leaving.


(extreme happiness)

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