Saturday, April 24, 2010

hamburg life

Again, it has been over two weeks since I last posted on this blog. I`ll try to keep it short and sweet.

Not a whole lot going on except more parties on the weekends, more wine, and more dancing. The days have just flown by though so it is hard to pinpoint what exactly happened when and where.

I finally had an appointment with my photography teacher the week before last to try to understand what the theme of the class was about. The class is called `Fremd` , which in English means `Strange`. Also, this particular class is based on portraits/people, so essentially humans have to be in the photographs. Basically what the professor was explaining to me was that the project is to photograph what you think is strange. He gave examples of ideas of other students: to photograph a group of transsexuals; to photograph students in their dorm whose rooms all look identical; to photograph `emos or punks`. Otherwise, many of the examples seem to require the ability to perhaps approach a `group` of people in Hamburg, which would also require the ability to speak German...which I don`t quite have. SO, I am thinking of possibly doing a self-portrait project on the strangenesses of culture shock and of being a foreigner in another country. In any case, I am still a little frustrated with this class. Maybe it is because I expect a lot from myself for photography...I hope I do alright...

At least photography is not my only class (can`t believe I am saying that...). On Monday this week I decided to give a fashion drawing class a try, `Modezeichnen` auf Deutsch. It was surprisingly very good! I went to the class with a couple of other international students who have gone before, so they were able to tell me what I should bring to class. When the prof began to explain on the chalkboard how to draw a simple fashion model template I was amazed and thrilled to realize that I could understand him! He was speaking in English!! Finally, a class where I don`t have to feel like a fool for not understanding the language. It was honestly so encouraging that I asked the teacher if I could join his class even though it had already been about 4 weeks since the first class, and the student count was already way past capacity, but he was very welcoming and let me join! Annnd that`s about all for school right now.

Last weekend I went to the Flohmarkt (Fleemarket) in Feldstrasse for the first time, which has now become one of my favorite places to go on Saturday mornings! This Flohmarkt is basically a giant garage sale only slightly more expensive because many of items are either vintage or antique. If you look around and dig deep however you can find a few cheap, cool things. I went this weekend as well because I can`t get enough of looking at old German things, and I learnt some ways of haggling for cheaper prices. The best way is to just have the money that you think is fair in one hand, the item you want in the other, and a motion to give them the money. Most can not resist the sight of money. So far I have picked up some old photographs, old postcards, vintage books, a scarf, and some developed 35 mm film - could be interesting to develop someone else's photographs.

Speaking of developing, turns out there is a darkroom located in my residency building. My friend Emma is going to be the person running the darkroom, and basically she is given some money to go and buy some chemicals to get the darkroom going! Awesome! A private darkroom only three floors down from my floor!

Last night I rearranged my room again. It is kind of refreshing to do so. Although I think I am going to keep it this way this time. My cabinet, closet thing took me about 15 mins to move about 3 feet by myself! Now I just need to put some more things on my wall.

So this will be my last blog post for a while. Tomorrow morning I am leaving for Erlangen, and then to Amsterdam later in the week, and I wont be back in Hamburg until May 2nd. Then, I have Sunday and Monday to do laundry and detox because I leave Hamburg again on May 4th to catch a train to.........PARIS!!!!!!!
Finally, oh god I`m excited! I will be going there for 6 nights and staying at the home of the lovely, generous, and kind Ragnhild from UBC Vancouver/Norway. I am so, so excited! Before I leave for Paris however, I am hoping to also make travel plans for Edinburgh, Scottland for June and also to Krakow, Poland.

Right. So, I must finish packing for tomorrow. I hate packing!

Missing everyone in Canada!!


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