Thursday, April 8, 2010

long time... blog?

I blame it either on being too busy, or laziness. Probably a bit of both. But this is a good thing. It has been over two weeks since I have last updated, and since then the days have been either going to class (or at least trying too), exploring the city, or going out on the weekend.

Unfortunately last week I went to only one course. I was feeling very unprepared for my classes because I did not understand the initial introductions. I didn't want to show up to class looking like a fool, so instead I just didn't go. Better choice? Well, I tried to e-mail my prof's to make appointments to try to understand what is expected, but none of them responded. So, this week I went ahead to class on Tuesday anyway, which is my photography class. I asked the prof if I may speak with him about the material, and we made an appointment for the following week. Finally. I stayed for this class although I did not understand the critiques that were taking place. I did however understand the documentary we watched on american photographer Sally Mann. Very interesting.

I think I finally have the classes I want to take figured out. I have one themed photography class, a free themed painting class, international workshop, a free themed photography course (possibly) and a fashion drawing course. Here's to hoping I survive!

Not too much happened for Easter weekend here. I still very much missed having Easter dinner at home! So instead we ordered three pizzas! We did however party just about every night. I also went to Reeperbahn finally! It is an area of Hamburg where all of the bars and clubs are located very close together. And everything, including the food joints, are open until about 4 or 5 in the morning! Unfortunately I didn't last long enough, but I am making it a point to try to stay out all night this Saturday and go to the Fishmarkt in the morning. Fishmarkt is a fresh fish/produce market that opens reallllly early in the morning, at about 6 or 7. So it is open just in time for the drunks from the bars to come and grab some food! I'll find out more soon hopefully....

Yesterday I took a nice walk/shop in the Sternschanze area. It was SUCH a gorgeous, warm day out. Sternshcanze is a really pretty, lively, quaint part of the city that has tons of restaurants and boutiques, and is also a great place to come and party at night. I also went into this one gallery/local art/craft store where I had a very interesting conversation with the shop owner. We talked about lomography, where to go in Hamburg to party, and even marijuana....yeah, I kind of enjoy days like these! Randomness all around!

As for all of that, nothing huge has occurred, but atleast I am starting to grow a little more fond of Germany. BUT, I have started arranging some plans for the near future to travel. Around the 23rd of March, a couple of friends of mine and I are going to visit an old flatemate in Erlangen for a few days. Then from there we are taking a train on the 28th to AMSTERDAM!! To party on Queen's Day! I'm realllly looking forward to this!

Anyhow, right now it is very late and I want to get some rest for a weekend of partying. Tomorrow a couple of friends and I are going to the Hamburger Kunsthalle to see an exhibit called 'Pop Life', which includes work by Warhol, Koons, Haring and Hurst; pretty stoked.

Missing everyone back home!

P.S. I recently tried to get film developed at a local drugmart kind of store. I gave them only one roll just to test how they would handle it and I was fairly disappointed. Plus it was WAY over-priced. I am hoping one of my profs will have a suggestion on where to develop color film for cheap :)

P.S.S. Found this today....dare I try? Seriously, wow:

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