Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Finally, the sun has come out now a little more each day.

I have been longing for just a little warmer weather and I think now I've finally got it. I just hope it stays this way.

Since last week not a lot has happened. I didn't go to any of the initial orientations; no point, it is all in German. So last week was basically another free week. I went to Ikea again, yikes! There are no wine glasses in the flat and I didn't want to drink my wine out of a plastic cup anymore, so I bought a glass one. I also bought a vase for my now tulip obsession as well as some fabric to hang on my wall. AND, we had a little lunch at the Ikea restaurant, err, well I had a Sweedish waffle with vanilla and cherry syrup, still lunch? It didn't take long to use the wine glass. Meaning, St Patrick's day was a crazy one, if you know what I mean.

On Friday the Kunst faculty of my school, HAW, hosted a huge beginning of semester party. The theme was 'video games'. I went to Gängeviertel, which is a section of abandonned apartments near Gänsemarkt that are partly inhabited by young artists to use as studio space. SO. COOL. (pictures soon). I went there to meet up with some good friends of Karin's who were also going to this party. Together, we made our costumes. Tetris. Very neat. (You can see pictures on facebook).

However I could not party very hard because I had to get up early in the morning to go with two of my flatmates to see a football match in Bremen!! This was really fun. Other than the rain, which is not unusual, the European live football match experience was very exciting. They are reallllllly into it. If a goal is scored by the team you are cheering for, expect to be showered in beer by the fans around you. Long, but fun day. Oh yeah, and Bremen won!!! (Pictures also on facebook)

Sunday I cooked! I actually gathered ingredients from a recipe that Karin gave me and I made actual food! Haha, I never cook, and it turned out pretty tasty! I was so excited about this that I wanted to continue making things, so I bought more ingredients to make a yummy vegetable soup yesterday, also tasty. Yeah, big deal for me.

Finally, today I went to my first class. Well, sort of. It is now the week of the individual class orientations/sign-up. I went to a photography class which has the theme 'Fremd', which means strange. I'm not exactly sure the details, but I do know that for the entire orientation I basically did not understand a word. I hope this won't be too much of a problem; I am the only international student in that class! Tomorrow I am going to an orientation for a painting class. I have never taken painting at UBCO, but I would really like to give it a try; might as well. Annnnd, I may or may not take another class...we'll see. The photo class is worth a lot of points.

I miss everyone back home, lucky for most of you school is almost over!

Here are some more of my obsession.

1 comment:

  1. Yeahh, Bremen!!!
    Im sorry for all the (stupid) fans, who showered you with beer ;)
    See you tonight or tomorrow!
