Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Excerpt from Go Global Handbook:
"Personal Adjustment"
Be aware that you will experience some level of cultural adjustment as you make the transition from UBC to a new culture. Culture shock is a normal reaction to be separated from a familiar environment. Some common feelings during cultural transitions include:
  • loneliness and the desire to withdraw
  • feelings of alienation
  • fatigue
  • difficulty participating in conversation
  • frustration and anger

This is all so very, very true right now. I didn't realize how hard it would be to find myself so far away from the people that love and know me. I just hope to get over this before I decide to fly back, or at least get over this jetleg. Nausea? Really? Anyhow, I miss home very much, but mostly those people that I wish could be sitting next to me right now.

Today I went to the government building to try to declare my residency but it was closed. Therefore I could not set up a bank account yet. I did however buy a cheap phone and put some minutes on it. Although I will probably only use this for texting.

No pictures yet, no motivation. Plus I dont know where to develop film yet.

Also, my skype is if you want to add me.


  1. Just keep in mind...at the end of this experience you'll never want to come back to Canada. Things are out of place now but once you get the routine going and make a few friends you'll be golden. Best of luck Nicole, stay "fucking positive"! Maybe start doing your best AHHHHHHHnold impersonation to get some people laughing? Hahaha....maybe not.. maybe leave that to me. Bon voyage!

  2. Hold in there hun, it will get better. Once you have international student orientation and meet some people you will feel less, displaced. When I arrived in Australia I got to my place after hours, so I wasn't able to get anything. I was showed my room and that was it. I didn't have food, or even have a blanket or bed sheets. Best advise for right now, is unpack everything, and make your room yours so you have your spot to be comfortable in. The rest will follow. The first night or two are always the hardest. Don't forget to breath. Thinking of you sweety, I know you will be fine.

  3. Whenever you need something count with me!!

    We meet at your flat just a couple of days ago... we had an excellent dinner all together... old and new international students. Actually i don't have a film camera but i know someone who had the same problem and found a place to develop the film... I can ask her if you want!!


  4. Nicole, you are a sweetheart! Once you get a bit more connected you are going to be great. Change is hard, but I think it only makes us better.

    I am looking forward to following your blog to see what you are up to.
