Sunday, July 25, 2010

where to start?

This will probably be (close to) one of my last blog posts via Hamburg, Germany. And where to begin? My mind is consumed with so many emotions, ideas, feelings, memories, thoughts, stresses, sadness and happiness.

Lets start with the sad.

The obvious being that I will soon be leaving this place that I have come to love and know. I can't even explain how much this experience has changed me. So I won't. But I will say that everything, the good and the bad, that has been part of living in Hamburg has been the best thing that has ever happened in my life.


It is disturbingly amazing how quickly things can happen...

Tragedy in Duisburg yesterday. The 'Love Parade' that is meant to be a celebration of joy and peace turned the opposite when chaos broke in a crowded tunnel towards the entrance of the festival. Hundreds injured. At least 19 dead. I am glad that those I know who attended the festival are safe. I am thinking of all of you.

I had unfortunately only the briefest opportunities to meet a young man from Kelowna who sadly passed away this Monday. I had the chance to meet him through some very close friends and from what I have heard, known, and experienced, this man was none other than a kind, funny, life-loving human who went all too soon. I am speechless. My thoughts are with all of those who held him dear. May you rest in peace Cole Barr, 25.

I received an e-mail today from my Mother. Although I expected it to be a regular e-mail with updates and kind wishes, it turned out to be very scary. Yesterday she went for a bike ride, and while she was attempting to stop, her foot got caught in the bike pedal. Before she had time to free her foot she had already fell. She broke her leg in three different places and dislocated her ankle. She is currently in the hospital, wait-listed for surgery to insert plates and screws to keep her bones together. She will have to be 'non-weight bearing' for six weeks. This will be the end of her summer holidays, and I feel completely helpless for not being there. Thankfully, she was wearing a helmet.

It is amazing how quickly things can happen.


On a better note the past month has been a whirlwind of experience and discovery. The main events being that I went with some good friends to the Fusion Festival. Unlike any festival I have ever been to; and this one definitely takes the cake. Filled with care-free people, amazing music and delicious food! All but relaxation. Next was Stockholm/Copenhagen/London. If I ever decide to take on my Masters I would want nothing than to study in Stockholm, Sweden. Everything about this place is amazing and beautiful and friendly and open. I suggest taking the opportunity one day to go there, trust me. And Copenhagen was as well amazing. Everything that I have experienced about Scandinavia this short trip has made me fall in love. In London I met up with my dear friend Emma, who sadly I will not be seeing again for a very long time (Europe trip 2011?). But on our last day together in Hamburg we recorded a short, collaboration performance that I believe really describes our individual experiences in Germany as well as our experiences together. Love you.

School. In all honesty, school turned out to be a bit of a dud. I learnt some things here and there but for the most part the language was the biggest struggle, and it is not easy to have the motivation to go to a class that has a professor who will not make any effort to speak English to you. However, I still enjoyed the parts that I did at HAW and I am excited to show what I have created here in Germany.

So. Here I am now at my computer, snacking on a strange combination of wasa bread with tomato cheese spread and a jar of olives, and wondering how the hell I am going to get all of my stuff in to my suitcase. Option: mail a box to Canada? I hope Deutsche Post doesn't fail. I will be home by the end of the week.


Although everything that has happened during my stay here may either be happy or sad, I believe that the only way to deal with the bad things in life is to try to put the past behind (as difficult as that is to do sometimes), that if you can't change it don't worry about trying to, and to simply be there for each other. The ones you love and care about. That's all we can do.

Today is my birthday. But it isn't that I am now a year older that makes me feel different.

It is right here, in Hamburg.

Love, Nicole

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