Thursday, March 4, 2010


So, my Hamburg experience so far has become a little least there is less crying. But I still go to bed at around 4am here, and wake up at about 1pm. I need to get into the right rhythm of things. Today I finally registered my address with the city, but when I got to the bank to get an account I found I needed to make an appointment! This is not what I was originally told. Oh well, no bank card for the weekend, hopefully I have enough cash to last me!

I woke up late again today, as I said, so not a lot happened. I did however take some pictures of the flat for those who care to see. They are up on facebook:

I won't be posting for a bit because I am off to Berlin tomorrow with the other exchange students. Hopefully this is fun!

Wish me luck!

And I thought I would look like a fool with all TWO of my cameras.....
(stole your photo Ryan...)

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