Sunday, March 14, 2010


Tomorrow will be the official two week mark of my exchange here in Hamburg.

Only 20 weeks left.
(doesn't sound so long when I put it that way...)

Anyhow, I am finally over my sickness. Throughout the week I struggled trying to use my voice, especially at the end of the day. It was getting really hard to talk in loud places. On Wednesday I went to the shopping area and looked for retail-therapy for my cold. I found some really cute things for good prices! (mostly at H&M) There was also a dinner party on Wednesday at a dorm close by which had some really yummy food! Mmm, free food. Thursday was kind of a blah day, Not too much happened...

(If you are as bored as I was when I decided to document my new clothes and linens you can feel free to have a look:)

I was still feeling a bit sick up until Friday as well but I still decided to go out for a bit with my flatmates. We went to a student bar at the other main residency. It was decent, beer is cheap! Only 1 euro! Then on Saturday a group of us international students went to Ikea to finally pick up some much needed LINENS (haha) and eat delicious 50 cent hotdogs...They have a lot of cheap stuff that I needed; I might even have to go back to get some more.

I also learnt that Germans LOVE when this song plays at a bar:

Today I went to a brunch with all of the international students that was put on by the international coordinator. The food was yummy (and free), but we were forced to play an ice-breaker game. The game in which you get a sheet of paper with descriptions of people, and you have to go around and ask people if they fit the description. OF course, there on the sheet was "find someone who can sing the Canadian national anthem". And of course, I am the only Canadian in the entire international group. They also tried to get me to sing it. No thanks.
Also, it was super miserable and rainy today, so after brunch I came home and stayed in all day (since everything is closed on Sunday), made some tea, watered my flowers, lit a candle and ate some chocolate. Then I watched some movies with my flatmates.

School is getting ever so close to starting, except not really. Tomorrow there is a small orientation with the international counselor, then the rest of the week is free. Then the following week is the individual class orientation/sign-up with the professor. THEN the week after that classes actually start. Wow. Not bad. Except I need my bank to wire my money soon! I am getting down to my last euros!

Anyway, I think that is all for now. I can't wait to develop the film I've taken so far; which isn't much considering the bad weather, but it is a start. Plus there are photos from home on one roll :(

I have some more friends now :)



  1. I think you missed the Party in MORDOR... that was the definitive cure for your cold!!!

    Photos soon on Facebook...

  2. Wow, idid´t even know this song. Sounds cool. AND i think there will be a big party next friday. Because every year during the orientation week there is a party at the end. You should go! =)

  3. Nicole you are cool. So dont think down...we are all here to cheer you up...always...:-D
